© E-WERK Luckenwalde and Tim Haber

Kunststrom Power Station and Art Centre

E-WERK Luckenwalde is a regenerative power station, contemporary art centre and Kunststrom (art power) research laboratory. In 2017, artist Pablo Wendel acquired the former brown-coal power station with the vision to reanimate it as a regenerative Kunststrom (art power) power station and to both feed power back to the national grid as well as function as a large-scale contemporary art centre. As a not-for-profit institution, E-WERK reinvests all revenue from energy production into its contemporary art programme. Click here to switch to Kunststrom today!

In addition to that, E-WERK Luckenwalde hosts a quarterly programme and is the first contemporary art centre in the world to be powered by its own production. Click here to read more about our programme.

© E-WERK Luckenwalde

Visit us

E-WERK Luckenwalde is located in a former coal power station built in 1913, ceasing production in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin wall. Located 30 minutes south of Berlin, E-WERK Luckenwalde is jointly directed by Pablo Wendel and Helen Turner. Check out What’s on here to attend our next event, or enquire here to book a tour: info@kunststrom.com

Mieke Miami at Stadtbad Live, Photo: Laila Kaletta

Stadtbad Live

E-WERK Luckenwalde is also a founding partner of Stadtbad Live, collaboratively initiated by EW, the City of Luckenwalde, and Luba GmbH. Stadtbad Live is an experimental urban development project which seeks to transform the former municipal Bauhaus swimming pool into an internationally and regionally relevant venue for culture. The aspiration is to turn the Stadtbad back into a public space that is open to local, national and international visitors with high-calibre concerts, sports events, youth workshops, live performances for everyone in the city and beyond.

Stadtbad Live, Photo: Laila Kaletta
Artists studios at E-WERK Luckenwalde, Photo: Laila Kaletta


As Berlin rent prices continue to rise, much needed affordable artist studios occupy the third and fourth floor of E-WERK Luckenwalde. If you would like to hear more about the artist studio programme or enquire about available spaces, please email: info@kunststrom.com

General Enquiries

Copyright of E-WERK Luckenwalde and Tim Haber.

Jobs and Opportunities
Call for interns (communication / curatorial / architecture / energy )
Freelancers wanted for various manual tasks - no deadline
E-WERK Luckenwalde is a not-for-profit organisation with no institutional or structural funding, co-directed by Artist Pablo Wendel and Curator Helen Turner. E-WERK collaborators are made up of an international group of freelance cultural professionals on a project-by-project basis, which currently includes: Producer Florine Lindner, Senior Curator, Katharina Worf, Press and Marketing Nicola Jeffs, Communications Manager, Carolin Kralapp, Bookkeeper Marenka Krasomil, Architectural Assistants Antonia Grohmann, Programme Assistant Laila Kaletta, Louis Moeckel, Arevik Manukyan-Bubser, Marc Bubser, Lucy Löb and intern Paula Ozolina.

We would like to thank other freelance collaborators who contributed to the development of E-WERK, since 2019 including Katherine Thomson, Alison Midgeley, Livni Hotz, Polly Bruchlos, Sebastian Reinicke, Moritz Schmolke, Tina Steiger, Lina Benz, Annie Boman, Adriana Tranca, freelance curator and key consultant of the founders 2019 - 2024, Friedrich Degelmann, Stefan Dorn, Louis Frank, Marius Mühleisen, Annette Langendorf, Mila Panić, Arthur Pointecouteau, Courtney Sanders, Philine Rzadki, Frederic Seiler, Darius Sidlauskas, Karla Schwaemmle, Moritz Zeisner, Lorenz Klingebiel, Eva Du Moulin, Kenn Hartwig and DINAMO, Basel/Berlin.

E-WERK Luckenwalde would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the incredible group of volunteers: Abigail Moscato, Adam Watson, Adrian English, Adrian Tosoni, Ahziyelli, Alejandro Ivan Cordero Pesse, Alejandro Loyda Quiroz, Alexis Goertz, Alex Schutz, Alfinendra Surya, Alison Sperling, Aloizio Soares às Rochaneto, Anaëlle Véricel, Ania Bielawska, Anna Ebert, Annie Welvaert, Ariel Orah, Arne Jochems, Astrid Francescani, Benjamin Bouliere, Benjamin Brorman, Benjamin Müllner, Bettina Kratzert, Bianca Bluhm, Cecile Cec, Charlie, Chloé Techoueyres, Christine Schmeck, Christoph Dähne, Claudia Capri, Clemence Vessaire, Darren Stoddart, Dean English, Dominik Hildebrand, Edie Parfitt, Egle Sciukaite, Eleanor Anderson, Emilija Kieraite, Emma Damiani, Emma Ludovica Loria, Flavio Stella, Freya Bolton, Giulia Laureti, Greta Hausbeck, Greta Stiormer, Hannah Barclei-Smythe, Hannah Strohmeier, Helen Horgan, Ieva Bernote, Ignacio Zurano, Igor Kudi, Ingacio Zurano, Irene Delfanti, Irene Quiroga Barcia, Janett Spille, Jann Spille, Jasper Cook, Jenifer Gevos, Jennifer McHuch, Jens Pokora, Jessamine Davis, Jessica Dudziak, Jette Hoop, Joao Carvalho, Joe White, Johanna Hess, Johannes Palm, Jule Steck, Jörg Freudenberg, Laura Op’t Eynde, Letty Houldsworth, Liga Megne, Lisa Mette Demmers, Lloyd Forse, Logan Bedell, Lucia Barbien, Lucy You, Maggie Clare, Martyna Gverzdyte, Matthew Byron, Max Albert, Miica Fran, Mikaela Madsen, Mira Brunner, Miriam Lück, Molly Day, Nancy Daykin, Nicolo Bello, Nora Manthey, Oriane Bui, Oscar Mathias, Paula Buškevica, Rafi Alqedra, Raj Sandhu, Roisin Laffan, Ruairie Casey, Ryan Chapman, Sabina Gugelmeier, Sam Wills, Sascha Kirchhoff, Saya Tsutsui, Sidonie Gouvard, Silvia Rizzi, Steen Galmstrup, Summit Coleman, Tam Yuk Ting Anne, Teresa Duggan, Theresa Spiegelmann, Thibault Meekel, Torsten Dye, Valencia Selestina, Valery Salkovsky, Waleed Numan Zoé Green, Keana Montaine, Meriel East, Stathis Roukas, Clara Kraus, Lisa Kolkowski, Austin Guest, Ariadna, Lily Stevens, Olivier.